Sunday Letter: April 5

Look at that kid. This is how she's been falling asleep for naps lately. She's too wound up from LOVING LIFE to fall asleep when she's free to roam (even in her crib). When we put her in her bouncer, though? She rocks herself to sleep, and it's the sweetest. Especially when she's wrapped up in the big fluffy dress my dad brought her from Colombia.

This week I've tried to pick up our good camera nearly every day. Somehow these pictures end up being more thoughtful—I suppose because I have to reach in a camera bag and uncap the lens and stick my face behind the viewfinder. YAY! (Another Em Dash card.)

And these good-camera photos also seem to capture things that my naked eye doesn't. Like that big girl up there. I didn't notice how grown-up she's become until I saw it in the still photo. That shoulder. That foot!

And that face. Getting so certain. Also, I think she might have my squinky eye, and I love it.

Making time for bread, too. My first loaf was a dense mess. I inadvertently used a whole wheat flour and ended up with slices that King spit out immediately. This is the second loaf. King ate it. Gobbled it up. And the third loaf I baked yesterday is even better—higher rise, those slashes baked up more distinctively, slightly airier crumb. Extra time for photos and bread is time well spent.

She'll barely put up with being carried if there's ground to cover. She walks with a determined sashay. She falls a lot more now. Busted big fat lip the other day. But, you know, she seems willing to pay the price.

Best friend time! Mela and her family came down from Seattle, and she brought King an Easter bag. So thoughtful. King and Ollie (HE'S SO HANDSOME!) played around each other a whole lot this weekend. I think King needs a little more growing up before she understands she can play with Ollie. That'll be such a good day, to see that. In the meantime he was quite the considerate soul.

Sashay sashay sashay ...

Paper Letter: To Emily

Paper Letter: To Anna